Dead Duck

Quack quack, you're dead.

Dead Duck is a long time companion of mine, and I never fail to have a good time when he's around. Everyone knows that ducks are one of the best species, and of course rubber ducks are top of them. Well, Dead Duck is riding high at the top of even this list, so you know he must be a good guy.

I probably should cover the fact that he is in fact dead, no - he's not drunk - well he is sometimes, but he's dead too. But really, for him, this isn't as much of an inhibition that you would expect. He's certainly doing much better than most of us would do after we'd passed on and isn't even decomposing that much.

He is one of the coolest guys I know, probably again, due to the fact that he is dead and therefore always room temperature. However, his heart is as warm and giving as any else's and he is one of my best buddies. Give him a bit of bread next time you see him, or better still cake. Everyone likes cake!

The Hoopiest Frood says: "Dead Duck is a lovely guy who has helped me through some hard times in the past. A truly stand up guy."

Dead Duck's Links

My own little corner of the 'net.

Why hello there, how are you?

Mippo says 'hi' by the way.

I hope you are enjoying yourself.

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