
If you can't take the heat, don't tickle the dragon.

Now here is a man with attitude. Most of the time Stanley is a mild-mannered dragon, content to sit around with the guys and just chill out. However get him mad and he turns green and goes a bit mental. Actually, that's not true, mainly because he's green all the time, but he does breathe fire at you. So watch out, especially if you're a bit on the flammable side of things. He is quite sweet at heart, but if you get on his bad side the "RARRR!", you'd better watch out.

Stan the Man(eater) is another one of my drinking buddies and fellow creatures with an occasional taste for eating humans. However we're trying to curb that habit, so we can get lifts from people more often. It's worth not eating people if it means we don't have to walk everywhere. Yay laziness! However, we have to be careful when we are around high-proof spirits with Stanley because apart from us all getting completely drunk, the combination of high alcohol content and fire doesn't really mix happily. Well, not if you want to keep your eyebrows. And some of us don't even have eyebrows to start with!

But enough flippant remarks, Stanley really is a truly stand up guy who I love to be around. He is smart and fun with a fiery wit. He's also an excellent gig buddy and nice to go to places with generally and he always knows how to have a good time. Going out with everyone is never really the same is Stanley isn't with us; we're always missing his mad comments and silly pranks. He really is a true friend.

The Hoopiest Frood says: "Meddle not in the affairs of dragon; for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup."

Stanley's Links

My own little corner of the 'net.

Why hello there, how are you?

Mippo says 'hi' by the way.

I hope you are enjoying yourself.

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